Faculty Recommendation Form: Peer Tutors

The student has asked you to provide this recommendation because he or she would like to become a peer tutor in the Writing Center. Peer tutors must have a high level of content mastery and outstanding communication and interpersonal skills. For any students interested in becoming a tutor, they must have earned at least a B+ or higher (some exceptions may apply) in the course you taught and receive a recommendation from you. Once we receive the recommendation, we will contact the student to set up an interview.

Faculty Name*
Student Name
Please rate the student on each of the following areas of competence:*
Please rate the student on each of the following areas of competence:
  Above Average Average Below Average N/A
Grasps fundamentals and concepts:
Integrates complex information:
Completes assignments; completes contracts:
Accepts constructive criticism:
Has good work habits; is disciplined:
Shows potential for more advanced study:
Has good interpersonal skills:
Demonstrates good communications skills:
(Please check the appropriate box. Please select ONE box per line)
Please check one:
Checking this box serves as your signature for this recommendation. (required to process this form)